
Staffordshire Athletics Network: Constitution

  1. Name
    a) The name of the organisation shall be ‘The Staffordshire Athletics Network’ (the Network).
  2. Aim
    a) The aim of the Network shall be to develop the sport of athletics in Staffordshire in collaboration with member clubs.
  3. Objectives
    a) Grow and sustain levels of participation in the sport.
    b) Enhance the experience of its participants.
    c) Establish sustainable club environments.
    d) Improve levels of athletic performance.
    e) Lay the foundations for the next generation of champions at all levels.
    f) To identify sources of funding to further the aims of the Network.
  4. Powers
    To further these aims and objectives the Committee shall have the power to:
  1. Obtain, collect and receive money or funds by way of contributions, donations, grants and any other lawful methods towards the aims of the Network.
  2. Do all such lawful things as will further the aims of the Network.
  3. Membership
    a) Membership shall be open to all England Athletics affiliated athletics and running clubs in the current County of Staffordshire.
    b) The Network’s Management Committee (the Committee) shall have the power to approve or reject applications for membership or to terminate the membership of any member club provided that the member shall have the right to be heard by the Committee before a final decision is made.
  4. Management
    a) The Committee shall:
    i) Be responsible for the management of the Network and the development and execution of its annual work programme which shall run from 1 April to 31 March.
    ii) Comprise individual volunteers nominated by member clubs typically on the basis of one per club.
    iii) Appoint the following officers drawn from the member clubs:

– Chair,

– Vice Chair,

– Treasurer,


b) Attendance in a non voting capacity at specific Committee meetings by representatives of partner organisations will be at the discretion and invitation of the Committee.

c) The Committee will also specifically seek the support and attendance of the local Club and Coach Support Officer, or other officer deemed appropriate and employed by England Athletics, to give advice on behalf of the governing body.

d) The Committee will also specifically seek the support and attendance of an officer of the County Athletics Association to help ensure the activities of the Network and the County Association are complementary.

e) The Committee will aim to meet a minimum 3 times per year.

f) Any voting at Committee meetings shall be restricted to one vote per club and will be conducted by a show of hands. The meeting chair will have a casting vote in the case of a split vote.

g) At least three of the voting members being present shall enable the business of the Committee to be carried out.

h) Committee meetings will be convened by the Network Secretary in collaboration with the Chair/Vice Chair.

i) The Committee will have power to appoint Sub-Committees, action groups and the like to advise on specific areas of business.

j) A proper record of all such meetings shall be kept.

  1. General Meetings
    a) An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held annually as soon as practical following the end of the financial year.
    b) The business of the Annual General Meeting will be to:
    i) Receive and adopt reports of the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer,
    ii) Elect Committee officers for the ensuing year,
    iii) Agree the business plan and work programme for that ensuing year,
    iv) Discuss and decide any motion properly submitted by Committee members.
    c) Notice of the AGM shall be published at least three weeks beforehand and any items for discussion must be submitted in writing and reach the Secretary by 10 days before the AGM.
    d) An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called at any time at the request of the Committee, or not less than one quarter of the voting membership. A notice explaining the place, date, time and reason for the meeting shall be sent out to all members three weeks beforehand.
    e) Agreement by one third of the voting membership shall enable an AGM and EGM to take place.
    f) Proposals to change the Constitution must be given in writing to the Secretary at least 28 days before an AGM and EGM and approved by a two thirds majority of those present and voting.
  2. Finance
    a) The funds of the Network, including all contributions and grants, shall be paid into an account operated by the Committee. All cheques drawn on the account must be signed by at least two of the Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.
    b) Funds belonging to the Network shall be applied only to further its stated aims.
  3. Dissolution
    a) The Network may be dissolved by a resolution passed by a simple two-thirds majority of those present and voting at an AGM or EGM.
    b) In the event of a decision to dissolve the Network, any assets remaining after payment of all bills and legal liabilities, and after the return of any remaining grants to provider agencies, shall be simply distributed equally to member clubs.
  4. Declaration
    a) The Network hereby adopts and accepts this Constitution as the current operating guide regulating the activities and conduct of the Committee and its membership.

Signed: John Finney (Chair) Date: 15 September 2016

Signed: Tania Brecker (Vice Chair) Date: 15 September 2016

Signed: Graham Williams (Treasurer) Date: 15 September 2016

Signed: Simon Evans (Secretary) Date: 15 September 2016