Hednesford Community Park Fit
Our project is to organise monthly community fun jogs and walks in and around Hednesford Park, which is located in the District of Cannock Chase, Staffordshire. The aim is to provide regular, free sessions on a Sunday morning where locals – young, old, families, able bodied and disabled, dog walkers and those with push chairs – from across the area can meet, socialise and exercise together in a recently developed and refurbished public park. There will be a designated route around the park, themed events each month with the emphasis on people becoming physically and socially active in whichever way they choose and not based on levels of fitness or speed, but on community fun. Community Park Fit would be a significant addition to the suite of activities on offer in the Park and the increasing park community that is being created. It would provide a new focus for physical activity to encourage more inactive people into using this public open space for free, healthy exercise.